To contact us, please select the subject for your inquiry.
By reading and accepting the Privacy Policy and sending any query through the forms on the Website enabled for that purpose, the user gives their express, free, informed and unambiguous consent for the collection, incorporation and treatment of their personal data by INSTITUTO BIOMAR S.A.
Likewise, the user states that all data provided by him are true and correct, and undertakes to keep them updated, communicating the changes that may occur in them to INSTITUTO BIOMAR, S.A.
In cases where the user includes files with personal data on the shared hosting servers, INSTITUTO BIOMAR, S.A. is not responsible for the breach by the user of the current regulations on data protection.
If you need to review the information about the processing of your personal data, or need to exercise your rights in this regard, send an email to the following email address:, or contact us at the following postal address: INSTITUTO BIOMAR S.A. Technological Park of León, Street D, Plot M-10.4, Armunia (24009-León), indicating in writing and under signature, your name, surnames, address for the purposes of notifications, photocopy of ID or Passport, and request in which it is specified application.